Claudia Blackstar says Hello to her Darklings with a beautiful predominant ambient first album. But don’t be fooled by the Moon.. there’s so much more beating inside …. Heres’ a few lines on some of the songs …
The essence of the dark, the essence of the moon, are both entertwined in the Upsidedown song.
Fractal noise beating like a heart shadowing the moon in the eternal space.
Coven has a more dancing rythm that wakes up the shadow dancers of the dark after the slow pace of the first part of the album. A very nice entertaining song.
Sideral Hex is following the same path that Coven has opened.
Tales of the morning star and its lullaby melody being one of my favorite. Could have been the latest song if the album as it’s really one that says it’s time to say goodbye.
Nyctophile had already a post at the musical box as the first single of this album. A great entry point as a cool melody and beautiful Claudia singing.
Claudia‘s voice remains us the beauties of other symphonic rock voices. As always I won’t name any here but you all know which ones I am talking about.
Overall a brilliant full moon album that is best listened at night in good company.
Here is the Dark Electro Mix of Nebula :
Cheers to you All moon listeners….as Claudia would say…
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