KvRv from head to Toes !!! TheY are yours as a band, ShE is yours as a WoMaN !

It’s the beginning of the end as a band, so get a complete view of KvRv ! Digitally yours – 32 songs and a massive booklet with hundredssss of picturess, texts and Goth Rock Poetry essays as a thank you to all fans of their Electro-Glam-Rock.
Midas Tutt - drums,percussion,timpani
Lara Blitz - bass, backing vocals Steve 'Sev' Severed - guitars, backing vocals
Kuru - guitars, vocals, keyboards, orchestration
« Rock N Roll Slvt »:kvrated kvrv vol. 1
Produced, mixed and mastered by Douglas Chay
KvRv vous propose un point final sublime avec 32 chansons, des centaines de photos et des textes Goth Rock Poétiques. N’hésitez pas et vu l’offre incroyable pensez à eux !
KvRv va ensuite continuer une carrière solo, commencée déjà avec le magnifique album Skyhorse:
themusicalbox.fr/kv-skyhorse/ & Bandcamp, click on the picture and flick through the songs to listen !
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